What are Tags?
Tags are customizable, descriptive keywords that you can assign to profiles and companies on The Swarm. They help you categorize and organize your data for easy access and efficient management.
How to use Tags
Creating Tags
Click on the 'Tag' dropdown in your desired profile's or company label column.
In the dropdown, select "Create new tag".
A modal will appear. Enter the tag's name, choose a color, and then click 'Save'. This will assign the new tag to the selected profile.
Assigning and Un-assigning Tags
Assign several tags to an individual profile or company with ease. Moreover, you have the option to add tags directly from the profile page itself.
Bulk actions for Tags
Assign one or more tags to multiple Profiles and Companies simultaneously.
Select the desired records using checkboxes,
Use options in dropdown menu to add tags in bulk or create new tag.
Editing Tags
Go to "Team Settings" and select the "Tags" tab.
Hover over the tag you wish to edit and click the pencil icon.
After making your changes, click 'Save'. The updated tag will automatically apply to all profiles and companies it's associated with.
Filtering by Tag
You can use tags as filters. To find a specific profile and company assigned with a tag, simply click on the Tag filter and choose the option you wish to use for filtering your records.
Removing Tags
Go to "Team Settings".
Hover over the tag you want to remove and click on the trash can icon.
A confirmation modal will appear. Click 'Confirm' to proceed.
The tag will be deleted and automatically unassigned from all records it was added to.
Tags permissions
Tags are accessible to all users in teams with Base and Premium plans.
Members with the 'Guest' permission are restricted from creating, removing, or assigning tags. 'Contributor' level users have the ability to create and read all tags, as well as update and remove the tags they have personally created."
Note on My Connections page
Tags are shared between team members and they don't appear under My Connections page at the moment.